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“The Toxicity of Surfing”

“There is a growing debate surrounding the impacts of surfing tourism in the developing world. This dialogue emphasizes the need to deconstruct two major myths surrounding the activity – that surfing tourism is inherently benign and that surf utopias exist. When aggregated, these myths contribute to perpetuating a negative spiral within the industry where tourists do not understand the increasingly destructive ramifications of their travel decisions and outsiders develop ever-more romantic views of the idyllic surfing life.”

The excerpt above was taken from a research paper written by American University graduate student Leon Mach in 2009.  It focuses on the need for ecotourism within surfing culture not just in the United States, but worldwide.  While surfing has long since been associated with a Utopian relationship with nature, we often forget (or don’t even realize) the long term consequences that follow our surfing products and behaviors.

This is why the people at, the Eco-Friendly Surf Shop, designed an Infographic entitled “The Toxicity of Surfing.”  With an extensive amount of research done on surf-related subjects like surfboards, surf wax, wet suits, and even sunscreen, EnviroSurfer reveals both the shocking facts and eco-friendly alternatives to inform your future surf endeavors.


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